What is Hydro cleaning
Hydro cleaning, also known as pressure washing is a method of harnessing pressurized hot or cold water to enable the user to blast and remove layers of mold, mildew, dirt, paint, chewing gum and other contaminants from surfaces and substrates.
Pressure cleaning can be traced back to the late 60’s early 70’s where it was mostly used for commercial cleaning and industrial cleaning. Coal mines power washed heavy equipment such as trucks, trailers, loaders and dozers. One of the main uses was to power clean the coal dust out of the radiators of the equipment. This kept the equipment from overheating and breaking down.
In the early 1980’s cleaning contractors expanded their scope of work. More and more uses were found for power washing. Hot water cleaning and chemicals made cleaning, sanitizing and deodorizing easier than ever.
The scope was most evident in the property management field. Property managers now had contractors for exterior building cleaning, concrete cleaning, chewing gum removal, store fronts, parking garage cleaning and degreasing, graffiti removal, paint stripping and more.
The industry continued to grow and by the late 80’s and early 90’s it became evident that there was a growing need for residential pressure washing. Home owners rushed to purchase their own power washing machine and the hosing revolution was everywhere. As home owners realized that it was not as easy as the idea sold to them, contractors like Complete Hydro Cleaning, Inc. moved in and created new markets.
Gutter cleaning, vinyl siding cleaning, concrete cleaning and sealing, brick cleaning and sealing, deck cleaning and sealing, roof cleaning and more. The list goes on fence cleaning, garage floor cleaning etc. Over the years home owners, through broken machines and damaged surfaces realized that it is best to hire a professional pressure cleaning contractor.