Enhance the appearance of your business with our commercial pressure washing services, giving your business property the close attention it needs for a professional image. We clean surfaces to remove stains, dirt, and debris that might be sullying your company’s image. Contact us today to schedule your commercial pressure washing service or to ask about a contract for regular maintenance! This includes commercial pressure washing for:
• Sidewalks & Dumpster Pads
• Shopping Malls
• Building Canopies
• Parking Garages
• Building Bricks
The Hot Water Pressure Washing Division Our Hot Water Pressure Washing Division is the best in the industry. All units are equipped with large flow pumps and hot water to ensure the highest quality service. Jobs include everything from parking garage de-greasing and shopping plaza gum removals to complete pressure cleaning of awnings, equipment, dumpster pads, and roofs. Industrial Pressure Washing Ensure your factory boasts a pristine working environment with the assistance of Complete Hydro-Cleaning. We offer a wide variety of commercial pressure washing and pressure cleaning services to keep your facility up to standards. Whatever you need to ensure cleanliness, our expert cleaning personnel are here to provide it quickly and professionally. Our Industrial Cleaning Services Include:
• Air Blowouts to Remove Dust & Buildups
• Hot Water Pressure Cleaning for Paint Removal
• Pressure Cleaning in Preparation for Painting or Sanding
• Flood Clean Up – removal of muck and debris
Choose from the following list to learn more.
Building Cleaning/Sealing | Paint Removal | Parking Garage Cleaning | Heavy Equipment Cleaning
Paint Removal
No one likes to strip paint but sometimes it just needs to be done. If this is the case, we have the proper paint removal products and technology to get it done. Our paint stripping products are safe and environmentally friendly! CHC employees are experienced in removing paint from large commercial buildings to private residential homes.
Heavy Equipment Cleaning
Heavy equipment is better maintained when professionally cleaned. Power washing and pressure cleaning can be accomplished at your site even if there is no water. Complete Hydro-Cleaning has commercial cleaning units equipped with large water tanks. CHC offers hot water pressure cleaning along with industrial cleaning products to ensure damaging contaminants are removed from your heavy equipment. Our highly experienced cleaning crews are on time and get your heavy equipment cleaned in a timely manner. Our professional cleaning services will save you money in the long run by insuring your heavy equipment is clean and free of harmful gunk and sludge.